Sept. 27th, 2009
The 60's and 70's.
Campbell's 1969.
The main house is destroyed while Mrs. Campbell wound up in a nursing home.
For us, as kids, this was the greatest place. This yard was HUGE. It ran from Miles Ave. back to the Edgewater fence and from Sweeney's cross-over up to Boot's house. Mrs. Campbell had all kinds of fruit trees; pears, peaches, plums and apples. She also had vines of cherries, grapes and blueberries. The house on the right was our hangout. We would climb a tree along the right side of the house onto the roof then go in thru the attic windows. Boots, the woman who lived next door up Miles Avenue (she was a large German woman who always wore combat boots) would chase us out whenever she realized we were there. We would go out the rear attic window onto the roof of a attached room at the rear. There was a thin, young tree that had grown along the back of the house. One by one we would grab the tree and jump off. The tree would arc over bringing each of us down to the ground. It was great. Note Tony, the fruit guy's Ford Van at right.
Click on above photo for larger version, then click on that.
This is what replaced Campbells.
Deanna Eskiewicz (Lanza/McSwain) and Oopie Donnelly.
Cookie Donnelly and Deanna's mother.
Photos below thanks to Sissy (Donnelly) Mahoney.
Jerry Dunne, Kevin Lynch, Larry Johansen in back and Herby Carson, on
right. Seems like there should be a halo around Jerry's head. No?
John Donnelly.
Behind him is
holding daughter
Jerry Dunne, Larry Johansen, Al (Mimi) Donnelly and his wife, Ellie.
The trailer at the races down Sandy.
On right is Sissy Donnelly (Mahoney) and to her left is Donna Devlin, between them is Ellen Piscotti and on the left is Cathy Donovan (Walkentine). Next to her is Richie McConville.
Sissy and Mary Nicolay (Sacco) with Mary's parents.
Sissy playin' the glockenspiel (?) with Nancy Attis (Woods). - Dec. 1967.
Willy Donnelly at 34 with a young Bobby Krause watching him. -Aug. 1972.
Cookie as a kid at 35 Alden Park. -Apr. 1970.
Walter (Wally) Miller on left, standing, Robert (Roffa) Shutz behind him, Fish, and Mike Kuhl with red hat. Peter Vetri, lower left, Oopie to his right.
Photos thanks to Alyce Banker (Bansley).
Alyce Banker and Mike Purdy.
Robert Venturelli, Russell and Ray Samanich (Bees) and someone playing guitar.
Bobby Venturelli and Steve Hunton on Sandy Pier.
Donna Petrillo and her baby at Sandy Beach.
Photos thanks to Mike Broderick.
From a trip to Ft. Lauderdale in 1977.
Out west of Lauderdale where Pete's relative's lived. We never thought about alligators that live in these canals and we were just lucky!
Me and Chio (Anthony Chiusano)
It's hard to see but way down toward the left is a village. There was alot of building going on down there then, as now, but it still had lots of vacant land and two lane roads. Even SR-84 which runs from the east coast to the west coast was just two lanes back then.
The hotels of the Fort Lauderdale Strip behind me.
Anthony Chiusano, who lived on the waterfront at Little Sandy and me at the beach at Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale. On the corner at left was the famous Elbow Room bar. Across the street, the high building, was the Holiday Inn (now a parking lot!). This is the place where they filmed "Where the Boys Are" (the original with Sandra Dee in the early 60's).
Me and Mike Broderick at Las Olas on the Ft. Lauderdale Strip in '77. The motorcycle is from Rent a Cycle which was on US-1 by the end of the runway of Ft. Lauderdale Airport. My friend 'Lift' worked there until they widened US-1 and forced them to close.
Standing next to Pete's new 77 Grand Prix. He originally had a two-tone silver one but wrecked it within a couple of months of getting it. Then he got this one.
Mike Broderick, Me and Pete Simenetti from the Candy Store.
My dog, Rebel, which I got in Florida (hence the name) from Pete Connors, son of Heckel, Pete's dog.
Photos thanks to Howard Stern.
Howard Stern from Pennyfield Camp
Photos thanks to Judi Stern (Crowe).
Richie Crowe, taken in the early 70s.
Here's a picture of Brian Crowe. It was taken in March of 1972,
just 3-months before he died in a motorcycle accident on the FDR with Billy Britt.
Photo thanks to Skip Tanner.
Donna Hourican, Paul Farrell and Jim Hooks (Hooksie) after fire.
Photos thanks to Steve Hunton.
Pillsbury (Steve Hostomsky) says that was his snake.
New photos from Steve Hunton and Jim Kane.
Pete from the Bakery, Richy McConville and Steve Hunton.
Erich Horn
Richy and Steve down Sandy for the E.A.A. races.
From left to right, Bobby Krause, (with back to camera), Mike Kuhl, Steve Kerr, Pete from the bakery. Then, Jimmy Kane facing camera.
Sitting on my pick-up is Guy Ryff and Mark, talking with Mike Schaeffer. The three girls are: Marie Capola, Leanna Lindsay, and Tammy Fetcher. -Thanks to Steve Hunton.
Mike Schaeffer, Tammy Fecher and Mark ?
Rick at table facing us, Rose Hunton with back to camera.
Marie Capolla. Beautiful!
Rose Hunton. Also, right behind her head is Eddie Alfarano and to the right with the sunglasses is Mike Keenan. Looks like Mr. Heaphy of A-section extreme left, red shirt.
Tutty (Tom) Deickman, left, then a couple of girls I can't make out, then Bart Wyman, who did the best watermellons off the Sandy Beach diving board, then Jimmy Kane, then Rose White.
Again, Tutty, then Doc Raftery, the girl I can't make out, then Bart.
The Kane Brothers: Jimmy and Marty.
A young Chat McQuade (Kuhl)! Wow!
Photos thanks to Mike Brodderick.
Frank Manillo, who lived on Sweeney's crossover.
Frankie Mazzariello and Kenny McNally and Sadie, the Dobe.
Some people up at Guy Ryff's house near Big Indian, N.Y.
Kenny McNally and John (Clowny) White in the Parking Lot.
Frankie Mazzariello's Vette. Nice paint job.
Dave Goldsmith, who died a number of years ago.
Jimmy Dill and Guy Ryff.
Jimmy Dill relaxing near Big Indian, N.Y.
Photos thanks to Mike Brodderick.
Photos below thanks to Donnie Fecher.
Anthony Chiusano
Anthony Chiusano at right
Mark Wyman at Execution Lighthouse
Bill Ackert and Bob Fecher
Bill and Arline Fecher
Bob Fecher
Bonnie Kirkwood and Tammy Fecher
Tammy by car door, Anthony Chiusano (Chio) next to her, Mark Wyman extreme right.
The Chiusano family
Donnie Fecher 2nd from left. Kim and Billy Delsonno (both wearing glasses). Tammy Fecher is behind Kim on the couch, next to Billy.
Tennis anyone?
Donnie with his band. Photo 7/04.
Don Fecher's boat
Steve and Dave Fecher
Dave Fecher with Bob Fecher's boat.
Dee, Dotty Nicolay and Helen Fecher
Don and Vicky Fecher
Don at 155-C after snowfall
Storm near Sandy Beach. Note covered seawall and street
Erich Horn
1922 Ford Model-T firetruck
Frankie Puglesi and Mary Ann Lempkin
Helen and Bill Fecher
Steve Hunton with snake.
Jim Kane
Thomas Rooney and friend above.
Kenny Ackert
Steve Fecher
Photos thanks to Donnie Fecher
The Flood of November '68
Photos by Russell Brown
C-section, 1st block from seawall, from Firehouse hill. That shed belongs to the last house on the block, visible below.
I remember when this house at left was destroyed, but from a later hurricane. That structure at extreme left can be seen in the photo above, halfway in the street. This shot was taken from the hill that is the 1st left past the firehouse. Note the One Way sign on the adjacent block. There seems to be alot of boats still in the water for November. Usually boats were up by the end of September. Boats that were in the Edgewater Boatyard just floated away and were destroyed, including my brother Bruce's boat that had been hoisted up and was still in the sling at the Edgewater Boatyard.
Note the Con Ed meter on the pole. When I was a kid Terrence Farrelly's father, a Con Ed employee, of 55-A, used to take care of certain electrical problems and the upkeep of Edgewater's electrical system.
In front of Larry Johansen's house at 1-C. I was with my brother Bruce and I tried to save Larry's cabin cruiser that had wound up on the Bronxonia rocks. Unable to secure it, it then smashed up at Echo Cave.
Photos from Shelly (Lombardi) Acker
Shelly Lombardi and Hotch Acker from 59-C with their first son, Hotch Jr.
Hotch going to pick up Shelly in his '64? Valiant with the '3 on the tree'. Note the stickers in the back windows. Hotch worked at Shell as a mechanic along with Larry Johansen. Photo around '73.
Hotch Sr., right, who raised a family at 59-B and was known as the "Silver Fox", the handle he used on his ham radio for talking to people around the world. There's also a photo of him from 1930, graduating from P.S. 72. He's in the top row, 5th from the left. Click here to go to it.
Photos from John (Mack) McNamara
Mack and his '50 Ford at the 911 Benefit Car Show
Another shot of Mack's '50 Ford. Beautiful, hah?
Mack's Daughters: Joanne, Paula and Kathy. At THE Split Rock- July '79.
Split Rock, above, is at the junction of the Hutchinson River Parkway, (top to bottom is North) and the New England Thruway, (right to left is North).
Legion Picnic 1978.
From left to right... Michael Santiago and Michelle Santiago, in the back is Kim Devlin. Holding the cup is Kathy McNamara, then next to her is Bobby Goldsmith. Next in green suit is Paula McNamara, then Billy Goldsmith and Joanne McNamara.-Year '78.
The 3 McNamara sisters and baby sister Jennie Attis - Easter '87.
Behind them a second story is going up on the Mutze house. Third house in on the left is Goldsmith's house.
John McNamara Jr. (better known as Mack), son of famed Bronx Historian John McNamara Sr.
When I asked John about the shirt and when he was "In Country" he replied: I was in Vietnam 1/10/68-1/11/69. I was with the First Infantry Division (Army) Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 28th Infantry Division (A-2-28) Black Lions of Cantigny.
You got my respect, John!
Mack pullin' an engine. Try that now! When I was a kid Mrs. Cheesman lived here at 45-B. After she died Mack bought it. Mack and Billy Freda, from C-Section did a lot of fixing the cars in the Park. Back then, a mechanic could make some decent money on the side. Photo from '84.
Eddy Woods and Family.
Mrs. Attis
Steve and Midge Attis
Steve and Midge's Family
Hotch Acker about 1973.
Here he is. John Frank. Everyone knows John. He's been running Shell since the 70's. He's one of the best people in the neighborhood. They don't come any better than John.
John has since retired from his Shell station. I wish him the best. His email address is listed on the Edgewater Names page.
Lorreta O'Brien and Martha Nicolay, who lived in the house below, at Killie Rock.
The Nicolay house on the corner behind the backhoe at 64-B.
Lorreta O'Brien's house with red front and the Lennon's beige house in front of it.
O'Brien's house at 19-B. Note the Stepping Stones Lighthouse at extreme left. Bill had a sign saying Xanadu on the front and alot of partying went on down here in the 60's, although alot of partying went on at many houses then.
Lois Radomsky and Lorreta O'Brien standing by house next to Lorreta's.
Lois was Steve's (Fish) sister. She lived right behind the Firehouse, on the corner, at 221-B, and had sisters Lynn, Patty and Kathy also. Mike Broderick lives there now. Fish married Didi Krause.
Lorreta O'Brien and Doris Borucinski in Lorreta's dingy. I remember this boat. It was a small pram that Skippy had put a deck on. There was also a cutout for a steering wheel. Skippy, like the rest of us, loved boats and alot of us spent the entire summer out in our boats. It was paradise for a young kid because you didn't need a license and you could go anywhere.
Doris, in the above photo, lived in this house.
That Mercury next to the dog belonged to Winky Becker's mother. When we were small this was the hill to sleigh down. We'd do this for hours! And there would be a bunch of us. Walking back up you'd have to make sure you didn't get run over. They had the right of way!
Tom and Jean Murphy on the right with their daughter and son-in-law. The Murphy's were 2 of my parents best friends who lived in A-section, 3rd block up from Big Oak, on the far corner. She died of an illness and a couple of months later my father found him dead in his car. It really shook up my father.
My Mother and Bruce Jr. '69. In this shot the gate is on the left. Also, to the right of my house were the Malkin's; Ann, Christine, John, Christopher, Susan and their parents at 52-B and then the Bubel's; Billy and his sister, Terry and their parents at 53-B, which was once the home of Bronx Historian John McNamara Sr.
My block, the snowstorm of '82. First house on left was originally the Sawyers. Mack's house, out of shot, extreme left. The picture below is same block, opposite direction. The house on the left with the awnings belonged to the Larkin's, whose daughter, Karen, did a lot of TV commercials in the early 60's. Mostly for dolls.
Down further on the left, past the pole, were the Acker's; Hotch, Craig, Maggie, and their parents, then the Goldsmith's; Billy, his sister, Patty and their parents; Mary and Herbert and then at the end, the Nicolay's; Billy, Dorothy, Madeline, Martha, Mary, Joey and their parents; Vincent and Dorothy (who recently died).
On the right of the dog were the Loreth's, then down further, by the flag pole, were the Larkin's, whose daughter Karen, was in a lot of doll commercials in the mid 60-s. Below is a picture of her and the dog above, named Sarge was her dog. Then next door, were the Sawyer's; Debbie, Robin and Ginny and their younger sister, Buffie, then the Bolger's; Johnny and his parents, by the car.
At the very end, straight ahead were the Mutze's.
If my spelling is wrong, let me know.
The head of St. Frances de Chantal along with Sister Mary Bernard.
First Holy Communion Day
The house next door to my parents at 50-B sat vacant for years and years. Finally, it was bought by the Lobbe's. Well, Sheila befriended my parents and they got to be close. She was able to do what others couldn't: Make them laugh! They loved having her, her husband Gene and the kids next door and it made their last years good years. When they died, Sheila was right there for me when others weren't and if it hadn't been for her I don't know what would have became of me. Thanks Sheila, for being there.
Eddie Woods in arms of his Mother with brother Artie.
Close-up of Eddie Woods.
Birthday party at Woods' house. Judy Stern at left.
Submitted by Howard Stern
submitted by
Liana Lindsay
and Denise Kane

Sheila and Gene

Mimi and Ellie
Donnelly at the

Steve Hunton and
Danny Kane -

Denise Kane
(Lee) Rose White
Judy Peters -

Edwin and
Frances Roth and
Barbara and
Willam Lindsay -

Barbara and
Willam Lindsay
1967 at old
Koroney Post

David, William,
Robert Lindsay -

Robert Daniels,
Jimmy Schaefer,
and unknown

Leana Lindsay
and John (Clowny)

Judy Peters

Rose White

Marie Cappola,
Kim Delsano,
Denise Kane -

Denise Kane and
Liana Lindsay -

Barbara Lindsay,
Denise Kane,
Liana Lindsay -

Denise Kane -

Liana Lindsay
And Son Steven
Sirvio - 1991

Ann Kane,
Barbara Lindsay,
Liana Lindsay,
Denise Kane -

Danny Kane,
Robert Cobbin,
and unknown

Lindsay and
Denise Kane with
thier children
Steven Sirvio,
Jodie Lee,
Thomas Lee,
Amber Lee and
Douglas Kane at
Rag a muffin
parade - 1997

Jimmy Kane,
Steve Hunton and
Liana Lindsay -

Jimmy Kane -

Liana Lindsay -

Kane and retired
worker - 2009

Liana Lindsay -
submitted by
Liana Lindsay
and Denise Kane