Updated Feb. 26th, 2009
The 50's and Before.
Pictures from early 60's on are now on SIXTIES AND BEYOND page.
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Hey Moe... Hey Larry !!!...
All 4 Stooges. Note Curly's hair.
John Donnellan of 134-C from '57-'61
See Ronnie Donnellan's story on PEOPLE SAY page.
Ronnie's son Alex Salinas
Ronnie (Donnellan) Salinas and son, Alex
Bob Jacob, Kenny Stranard, Billy Zapka, John Hangin, Al Schnider,
Doug Brown, Fred Scheffold, in front of Candy Store - Easter '61.
Note the Dance Hall behind them to the right!
Tom Miazga in his '55 Chevy.
The Guys in front of 'The Stores'.
Bob Jacob: D-sect, Mark Sutter: C-sect, Richard Murphy: C-sect,
Tom McCarthy: E-sect, Fred Sheffold: E-sect. Photo 1961-Russell Brown
Photos below thanks to Lucille (Jenkins) and Tommy Miazga.
Fred Scheffold, Jimmy Majaiko (sp), Jimmy Conklin, Billy Zapka, Gerry
Cusack, Tommy Miazga, Lorenzo DeFalco, Bobby Jacob, Tommy Halpin, Jack
Richie Murphy, Barbara von Hagen, Jack Gress, Linda Wakefield, Dougie
Lucille Jenkins (Miazga) & Tommy Miazga.
Bottom row - Irene Cristofaro, Lucille Jenkins, Karen Buge, Jo Meagh.
Top tow - Barbara von Hagen (cut off), Donna Mae Patterson, George
Daniels, Mae Semple, Timmy Griffin, Susan Stuart, Rose Mautschke,
Billy Zapka (peeking through), Patsy Dunphy, Helen Leonard and Susan
Photos thanks to: Lucille (Jenkins) & Tommy Miazga.
Here are two pictures when Jo (Meagh) and Jack Gress visited us in November ['08]. We took them to our favorite beach, Honeymoon Island. We always loved the beach and continue that joy in our retirement.
Lucille (Jenkins) & Tommy Miazga
Jo (Meagh) Gress, Jack Gress & Tommy Miazga Nov '08.
Jo (Meagh) Gress with Jack Gress & Lucille (Jenkins) Miazga - Nov '08.
The Barge in the Boatyard. Photo-71 Russell Brown.
This barge sat there until it disappeared. It took alot of years.
Different season, low tide-Photo-Russell Brown.
Years before, this barge used to have pigeon coops on the roof and I vaguely remember guys like the Shutz brothers: Freddie and Stevie and Jim Brown flying them. I could be wrong and if you know, let me know.
Russ Brown & Doug Brown, 1946, in front of 226-B.
December, 1947 in front of 188-C.
Doug Brown, Ray Coulter, and Jim Brown - 1953
Launching raft at Sandy - 1952
Bear Mountain Trip - 1958-Photo-Russell Brown
Russ Brown, Betty Fink, above Carol Gress, Larry Barazzotto, top is Pete Donnellan, then Rich Barazzotto, front is Jack Gress.
Little Sandy 1959-Photo-Russell Brown
Jim Brown, Chris Clausen, Jiggs O'Rourke, Mrs Gress, Jimmy O'Rourke, Reni Gibbs unknown
Little Sandy- 1959-Photo-Russell Brown
Billy Britt Bobby Jacob Jimmy O'Rourke Jim Brown Mrs Britt Jiggsy O'Rourke Kenny Gress
Day Trip to Conn. beach in 1959-Photo-Russell Brown
Peter Kehoe and Mike Kehoe C-sect, Jim Brown C-sect, Johnny Mack B-sect,
can't remember, Kenny Gress B-sect.
Mike Kehoe, in the Marines, was killed in Vietnam in January 1967.
I remember hearing about him as everybody did. He was one of the first from Edgewater to be killed. Go to the Veteran's page for more information.
Starting in the back, moving to the front: Danny Hughes, then Doug Brown, Kenny Stranard, Johnny Bolger, Eddie Kuhn, then Skippy Tanner and unknown (?) -Photo-Russell Brown.
Skippy Tanner on right and Kenny Jackson hangin' out at Kenny's house in C-Section.
By Petit's Gas Station in 1963 is Billy Stoltze, Doug Hall, Jim Brown and Peter Kehoe. Note the Plaid Stamps sign behind Peter Kehoe's head-Photo-Russell Brown.
A shot from the movie "Stand by Me". If you haven't seen it, you should.
Available on Movies on Demand from Cablevision, Ch 500.
Chris Claussen Jim O'Rourke Jim Brown Billy Buebel
Big Oak '58- Photo Russell Brown.
Willy Kipp Donnellan Oscar Northstrum Mariano (Rio) Pistorino
Across from Stores '61- Photo Russell Brown.
I've been told this was "Uncle Jim's" house. I knew of him and every kid that lived in Edgewater in the 60's knew of him. He worked a garden that ran along this road in front of his house. Visible below, the actual garden would have displaced these cars.
The garden was fenced in, about 20 feet wide and ran the length of this road where these cars are. He grew everything here and in later life would walk around Edgewater with Mr. Meagh, of 171-D and Mr. Farley, who originally lived opposite about 5-C with his wife but later lived with his daughter, Kay Loreth and grandchildren at 38-B. One other guy made up this foursome. If anyone has a picture of the four of them together or singularly or any combination, send it to me please.
This circa 1951 photo shows the Victory Garden tended by the McCord
family at D Section near the ballfield. The Boy Scouts used it for
overnight camping during this era. Left to right are: Frankie Twomey,
Randy McCord and Jimmy Meagh. Some perennial crops such as rhubarb
still grew there at the time. - Photo Bill Twomey.
Hotch Acker and Billy Nicolay of B-Section roaming around.
Photos - Bill Nicolay
Photos from Jane (Hayes) and Jim Dowd.
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66-A with Jackson house on the left.
The cellsr window in 66-A was used for coal deliveries and the large window, shown open, had to be closed when the trash truck came down the street. (Mr. Noble from D-section was the trash collector).
Fran Longo and her older brother Joe later lived here with their parents.
Jane Hayes in front of 66-A - 1957
Ed, Gerry and Denis Hayes of A - section outside A - section gate.
Large house behind them is Mr. John Moon's. Campbells fence on right.
Left to right- Ed Hayes, Timmy Kaleen, Gerry Hayes from A-section. -1955
Outside A-section gate, dirt road leading to Pennyfield stores. Sherwood Forest behind them.
Jane Hayes First Communion - 1954
With Edna Fodor in front of her house on Miles Ave. next to Campbells. We called this Boots' house in the 60's because the large German woman living there always wore combat boots! This house is gone now too, but I have aerial pictures of before and after that I'll put up soon.
This is Boots' house, to the right of the truck, where Edna Fodor lived as a kid. This house is gone now too.
To the left is the old Campbells' property and to the right is Newbauer's house and to the right of that is the old Finn's property which, like Campbell's, has attached homes.
After the house was torn down. This is what's happening all over.
This is same shot from another direction. In the rear was a garage where some people rented spaces.
Across the street is another old wood frame house on a large lot which will probably disappear too.
From the opposite direction.
Gatehouse Field with Square Club in background. - 1950-51
Jane and Ed Hayes
Ed Hayes and Jane Hayes (head down) and Dorothy ?(from D-sect) in front of 165-C.
Dorothy lived 1st block from the beach and had a sister named Joan. Anyone know her last name?
Jane Hayes by 41-D, then home of Jim Hayes and family.
Looking toward Firehouse Hill (Sandy Beach hill). - 1948
Note car parked on opposite side.
All Girl's Band 1960
Mr. Faihan and Mr. John Moon, directly across from 66-A. Dog in front of Mr. Moon is the Haye's dog, "Skippy". - 1957-58
Ron Anello from D-section in his boat.
Note the boats in the boatyard and the barge in the background. Note also the building on the middle of the highway without windows, (directly behind the support wire for the pole) ready to be torn down for the new highway.
Mrs. Gladys Hayes with Jane and Ed - 1950-51
Note the lack of a steep hill and the pillars.
E.A.A. races at the D-section ballfield. - 1955-56
Mrs. Gladys Hayes with Ed, Gerry and Jane - 1951
Note windows in garages.
Jane Hayes in plaid dress and Florence McKenna from D-section, daughter of Jane and Tom McKenna. 1950
Boy in center with raised arm is Kenny Connors. -1960
Note the portable Pepsi booth that was at all the races.
Sandy Beach 1964. It's probably right after the races as the markings are still there.
Joe's Barbershop
I can remember 3 different barbers at different times, all named Joe!
The shop was forced to close in the late 60's when hippies grew their hair.

The Square Club as it's settling into the marsh.
When I was a kid, and we went ice skating here, the front was open and there was a piano I remember in there. The ice was all around and under it.
Photos from Jane (Hayes) and Jim Dowd - More below!
Bob Brown, standing in back. Last woman on right is Mrs. Gress. We think woman to her left is Mrs. Dean. All others can't remember.-photo Russell Brown.
Looks like Richie Kearns far left?
Bill Twomey 1957
Martha and Stephen Attis- 30's
Martha and Stephen Attis- 50's
Nancy Attis and her Father Stephen-1960
Joe Kaper and Sally O'Halloran's house.
Joel Attis says: I think Joe Arenholz lives here now.
The Brown's House at 188-C-Photo-Russell Brown.
The Gate in '58. Before the highway went up. Look at the water to the left-Photo-Russell Brown..
The Gate Now.
Looking across what would become the Highway. The cranes would be on the New England stretch while the telephone polls to the left was 177th St. which became the Cross Bronx Expressway. You can see PS 72 behind the crane. We used to play football in the "valley" over there after the highway was built. Photo '58-Photo-Russell Brown.
Old Time Members Meeting in Florida.-2002.
Bill Robertson, Bob Kelly, Jim Evers and Bob May.
Front row: Doris Kelly, Sue O'Rourke
2nd row: Flo Evers, Judy Cheesman, Ronnie Cheesman, Babs Shilling, Richie Shilling, Bill Robertson, Jim Evers, Helen Robertson
Back Row: Bob Kelly, Mickey O'Rourke.
Calender Girls at Dance Hall - Labor Day 1962.
Ellen O'Conner and Dotty May - Dance Hall 1962
Does anyone know where this was?
Bill Twomey's Photos
Posing in 1921, left to right are: John McNamara, Edward McNamara, Gregory McCoy, David Carr, Robert Anderson, Frank Guista, Kathryn Anderson, Grace Carr and Dorcas Godden. The last two little girls are unidentified.
This photo of Weir Creek was taken in 1931 and appeared in Bill Twomey's book "East Bronx" (Arcadia Publishing 1999). Edgewater is at the right and Bronxonia would be off to the left in this high tide shot. Much of the area seen here is now overlaid with Weir Creek Veteran's Bicentennial Memorial Park. Note the barge in the background just beyond the boat at left.
Left to right: Billy Twomey, "Jerry" Twomey, Frank Twomey Sr., Frances Twomey, Dave Twomey,
Cathy Twomey, Frank Twomey Jr., Niall McCabe and Bruce Williams in 1960.
Edgewater Beautification
Edgewater Park Beautification Project at the entrance. Mrs. (Noble) Papp is second from left and Andy Arenholz is next to her in the center. Also, Yogi Braren next to him.
Bill said: This is a nice early shot of the Edgewater Candy Store. Juliet, Emily and Dotie Willing ran it for Mr. Shaw when this photo was taken. Later Herman O'Neil ran it and then Anna Wehr when I worked there.
Photo- Bill Twomey
Compare the yellow markings with this picture and the one below. The Candy Store, in the beginning and in the end.
Pete's Candy Store. The yellow mark is in the same place in this photo and the one above. Pete's windows occupy the original door space.
The Tug of War. Note the building on the left which would occupy the space of the houses numbered above 200 in B-Section. Beside the building there was also a tennis court. After it was razed, the new houses were numbered above 200 to ease the confusion of renumbering everything.
The back of the mansion. Then
(See Bill Twomey's page-Click here).
The Mansion - Back then; a little closer.
The back of the mansion. Now.
My house during a party.
Marilyn Bowles was married to Danny Angley and their 3 children's names were: Dana, Kerry and Allison. Thanks to Joann Spagna for the information.
Photos below thanks to Lucille Jenkins (Miazga) & Tommy Miazga
Fred Scheffold, Jimmy Majaiko (sp), Jimmy Conklin, Billy Zapka, Gerry
Cusack, Tommy Miazga, Lorenzo DeFalco, Bobby Jacob, Tommy Halpin, Jack
Richie Murphy, Barbara von Hagen, Jack Gress, Linda Wakefield, Dougie
Lucille Jenkins (Miazga) & Tommy Miazga.
Tom Miazga in his '55 Chevy Bel-Air.
Bottom row - Irene Cristofaro, Lucille Jenkins, Karen Buge Jo Meagh
Top tow - Barbara von Hagen (cut off), Donna Mae Patterson, George
Daniels, Mae Semple, Timmy Griffin, Susan Stuart, Rose Mautschke,
Billy Zapka (peeking through) Patsy Dunphy, Helen Leonard and Susan
Thanks to Lucille Jenkins (Miazga) & Tommy Miazga
Eddie and Eleanore (DeCanio) Wakefield's house at 115-B.
They had 3 daughters: Eleanore, Barbara and Linda.
Finns on Miles Ave.
This lot had a huge 3 story house on the right front of the lot. In the back of the lot was a big garage that ran to the back fence. On the left side of the lot halfway back was another structure. A shed, I think. Anyone remember? This house was abandoned and eventually the kids tore it up. Steve, an old cigar chomping guy that lived in the blue house, used to chase the kids out every day.
Richard Shaw-1920 Census lists his residence as Tremont Ave. and occupation as Camp Manager and owner (Line 21). According to the Census, he immigrated here in 1888 from Ireland and became a citizen in 1893. Click on picture for full size sheet. If sheet isn't super large after clicking on it (you'll see a plus sign for the cursor), click on it again.
Use back button or back arrow to return here afterwards.
Corner of above Census sheet listing Tremont Ave as residence.
My father with '48 Plymouth on Miles Ave.
Winky Newbauer's house on Miles Ave. He, along with Joel Attis, of Alden Park, submitted all those photos and information about Edgewater possibly being taken over by the City in the early 60's.
Go to 'Early 60's photos'.
I thank them immensely!
P & P is short for Pye and Paliotta and the plant and store was once located between Pennyfield and Meagher Avenues north of Lawton Avenue. They manufactured concrete blocks at that location and carried a full line of construction and home repair products. This photo shows the store on East Tremont Avenue at Meyers Street where the Boston Market is now located.
Photo - Bill Twomey
This photo shows the Meagher Avenue side of the P & P plant when it was located north of Lawton Avenue between Pennyfield and Meagher Avenues.
Photo- Bill Twomey
Engledrum's Gas Station which stood on the corner of Tremont Ave. and Lafayette Ave. for decades and was the first job John Farrell of 18-D had while still in High School.
Photo - Bill Twomey
This photo looking over Westchester Creek toward Westchester Square is from Bill Twomey's book "East Bronx" (Arcadia Publishing, 1999). It shows the Blue Coal silos at the left and old Dock Street. The el is in the background and the picture was snapped by Ron Schliessman in 1968.
For those of us old enough to remember, there was a drawbridge on Tremont Ave down by Lehman HS. The canal behind Lehman continued on to where Water St. is and there were huge silos to the left on the far side of the canal with a huge sign on top that said Blue Coal.- Craig
Photo - Bill Twomey
Arline DiMarzo (r) with friend.
The Good...
And the bad... They've all got cigarettes going.
The picture of Fran, Mona, Diane, Gerri & Carol - That is at Alden Park by Pennyfield.
The American Legion was not too far from here.
Fran's Girlfriends, smoking Parliaments and drinking what?...
My sister-in-law Arline DiMarzo with stuffed bear.
Fran Manerly's Parents
The picture of my parents - That one is directly across the
street from our house (80-A), to the left is the Nobles house and
to the right is Charlie McLaughlin's house.
Ragamuffin Parade in front of Stores.
Fran in Oriental hat behind him with her mother behind her.
Fran And her sister in C-section.
Fran and a friend at Sandy Beach.
Richie Hellthaler and John Cunningham.
From Russell Brown.
Back to Front: Danny Hughes, then Doug Brown, Kenny Stranard, Johnny Bolger, Eddie Kuhn then Skippy Tanner and (?)-Photo-Russell Brown..
I believe this was Diane Burkhart's 16th birthday party. It looks like a Coca-Cola ad. Diane is at the left and Rosemary Jordan is seated next to her in this 1958 photo.
Wanna bet there's some rum in there? -Craig
Westchester Square-1920. Note the horses below on right.
West Sq.-1965
Built in the 1860's? this building was run by an old Edgewater resident who lived in 221-B-in the 30's.
The ancient building that housed the Thomas C. Bible Funeral Home was just torn down not too long ago.
New housing has replaced the old Thomas C. Bible Funeral home.
Thomas C. Bible, Funeral home Director, who had the old mansion in Westchester Square, lived at 221-B in 1930. Also on the block were the Wrights and the Halls.
I remember 'Feathers' lived here in the 60's. He was a Dunphy, who were related to the Shaw's, who owned Edgewater and Alden Park.
Herman O'Neil, a longtime member of the Edgewater Fire Dept and one-time operator of the Candy Store, lived at 131-B.
This is Sandy Beach circa 1918. The three men at the extreme left are Will Stenek, Jack McCaffrey and John McNamara (Mack's grandfather).
Note: To the left of the tree across the water just right of center. Looks like the huge rock that still is over there (As if it's going anywhere).
Photo- Bill Twomey
Something a little more modern, circa 1954. Two cousins Eugene Twomey and Cathy Twomey posing in front of 10-D. Note the Fat Runway in the background in this high tide photo. Photo- Bill Twomey
Look at how far out Shelter Cove extends beyond the old Trainors (what it was called back then) shot above. There have been countless stories of how the owner used to drag the obstruction buoy out from his property X amount of feet to coincide with the nights dumping of rock and gravel. If you compare the two shots you can easily see a monumental difference in the length.
This was 177th Street which ran all the way up to Bronx Beach. Here at the intersection of Castle Hill Ave. 177th Street became the Cross Bronx Expressway. Note the striped poles in the center of the street.
Photo mid 30's. This is a WPA (Works Progress Administration) project which put people to work during the Great Depression.
There was originally a Memorial here for the Vets of the Great War as they called WW1. There is still a little memorial but it's further back and faces the other way. Why they removed this one is a mystery. The trolley ran from West Farms Sq. to Eastern Blvd. (Bruckner).
Submitted by Howard Stern
Photos below by Al Burkhart
My parents Albert and Evelyn and my younger brother George Burkhart on vacation.
Myself in front of 88-D.
Myself sitting on raft at "Little" beach. July 1954.
My mother Evelyn Burkhart and Aunt Eleanor (Anello) with children at Lake Ronkonkoma. August 1948.
My mother Evelyn and her younger sister Janet.
Christmas at 110-D with myself enjoying Lionel train setup below tree.
Myself (in middle) with two Army buddies while stationed at Ft. Carson, Colorado before receiving orders to go to Vietnam. May 1967.
Myself with Frank Bresnan (B Section) at St. Frances de Chantal. April 1955.
Birthday party at 110-D. My younger brother George in foreground, next to him on left with eyepatch is cousin Raymond, then myself. Girls on opposite side of table I believe are Janice and Marilyn Anello. My mother Evelyn is serving cake. July 1959.
Myself with two-wheeler bicycle (note American flag on handlebars) at bottom of street where we lived at 110-D. Ballfield would be to left in pictures where EAA running races were held until the new bridge changed that. Note parking lot with old vehicles. A black Model T Ford is to left of the two men in picture. At left in picture is where victory garden was planted.
Photos below by Bill Tommas
Photos by Bill Tommas-[email protected]
More to come!