updated 9/10
Early 60's photos from Joel Attis and Winky Newbauer.
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The Good 'Ole Stores.
Recognize anything? Sit back and look at a distance. Try adjusting your contrast and brightness on your monitor. It's amazing that you could drive through the parking lot, into the A-section playground and keep on going. Note all the vacant land over by St. Frances.
The Edgewater Park All Girls Band up at the Firehouse.
These girls marched all the time and not just in Edgewater. There was so much pride in tradition. And there was alot of tradition back then. There was a certain way of doing things and everyone strived to do it right, no matter what it was!
The Egg and Spoon Race
The Baby Parade. Note the Square Club in the background. That would put these races where the Sand Dunes (Veteran's Memorial Park) would soon be.
Jackie Mc Guinty says:
The EPAGB first row right looks like Kay Sonnic, behind is Theresa McConville and in the middle is Diane Hutchinson.
Jacque Tanner (Levine) says:
The one with her head down might be me and the girl next to Kay Sonnic is Betty Morstatt (I think).
At a rally.
By the C-Section Bend.
Jerome DeCanio (right) and George Morstatt (next to him).
In front of the old Duece and a half.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Fire House.
Baby Parade down E-Section
Children Wonder-Land Float.
Billy & Janet Robertson with Skippy Anderson to the left.
One of the many floats
The "Donut" at Sandy Beach.
The Sliding Pond at Big Oak. I remember this vividly. This must be right after the Diving Board, that was out in the middle, came down. I'm pretty sure that the sailboat, extreme right, was my brother Bruce's.
We're safe. Life Guard on Duty!
The B-Section Parking lot with Bob Winoski's house on the right. Bob had a Harley and a custom yellow Chevy Van that he later sold to Richy Crowe. He lived there with his wife, daughter and sons, Anthony and Robert. Bob was a great guy. He worked for the TA at their 207th St. yard. Anthony and Robert grew up to like Harley's and race cars too.
When ice skating was a winter sport. Guys always had black skates and women white.
Thanks to Joel Attis & Winky Newbauer!